Poems by Abu Afzal Saleh

Poems by Abu Afzal Saleh

Magical Moonlight

The moon is falling from the sky
In river, sea, field– everywhere.
Luminous-moonlight is immodest
Very rude, very rude–shameless
The mind is drawn from you to them.

Lights and lights – sparkling with dews-lights
Moonlight melts in my palm and my eyes
Created loneliness all around here and there.

The moon is swallowing everything
Me and you– all
Unconsciously paralyse the eyes and face.


Autumn’s Donums To You

The moonlight is under the sky–
The broken-light of the shadow of the clouds.

I’ll give you catkins beneath soft-sunlight
With lucid morning dewy- grasses
Like silver-gold light of diamonds.

I’ll give you the swings head of catkins
With utterance of Kites
At river’s bank , at abanded-fields.

Besides these, as autumn’s donums
I’ll give you more and more.



Rain-washed magical moonlight –so amazing
The gusts of moonlight like smooth-touches.

Afsana Mimi’s dimple-cheek
Perfect smiles– as if pearls fall.

You are the mixture with both:
Moonlight-wave and Afsana’s smile.