Poems by- Eva Petropoulou Lianoy

Poems by- Eva Petropoulou Lianoy

Ι do not belong…

All your life they teach how u must do, think, act, love, live, smile
All the years of education they teach how u must be present, dress, talk, feel…
All the time at your job they teach u how u behave, how u must seat, react, claim, interfear, communicate…
All that faces they teach me..make me feel that i do not belong
I do not belong in half truth
I do not belong in that small garden
I do not belong in the words that was never said
I do not belong in small boxes that keep the smile of the morning
I do not belong in shoutting and builing of the love, i never get
I do not belong in the incertain possibilities
But i do belong in myself
And in the possibility of climbing a big mountain
Maybe never go to the top
But i do belong in my dreams…


Is not about
Who cares more
Who loves more

Is who can survive
In a lockdown
In a breakdown
In a difficult situation

Is not who has the power
But who has the ability
To overcome

The possibility to understand a situation and continue to fight

World is not being together

But being apart and continue to respect
To support
To hope
For a better future

This is my kind of world