Poems by Nirmalya Ghosh

Poems by Nirmalya Ghosh


The small river wanted
To be associated with the sea..
In a dark night of the month
Of Shravana.

The small river could not..
It could not be incorporated
With that vast deep sea…
It lost its way in the middle..

For the superficial and shallow
rules of the society…

The Thirst

When your hand
Touched my hand
Lightly in the lightless
Dark black night…

That night it seemed
As if a great sea jumped
Into the chest of a dry
Desert…without any rule.


The quantity you poured..
In return if you do not get
All, please do not remain
Refrained, instead, try to
Pour and pour and pour…
And then
Across the yellow bank of the
Keeping yourself eternal silent
Like a full Pot Of Water
Trying to shake your wings
In the eternal sky…
Please try to imprint
Yourself in the press of AMRITA