Poems by- Saleha Chowdhury

Poems by- Saleha Chowdhury

Larger than life

Eyes are the windows of the soul
So are the creativities! I never notice their looks
Only gaze at their superiorities
Shakespear created more than God
Vangogh beauties
Gaguin’s madness, soulsearching
At remote Tahiti.


Some deep cut holes
On a tender bamboo sticks
It oozes music


Love wakes up
Lazarus from the grave
When he is hopelessly dead.

A small Thing

Dawn breaks
Dewdrops on the grass of blade
My heart aches.

It Haunts Me

When I pen a character
I live in it
For a little while it follows me
Then vanishes in eternity.

Wake Up

Wake up! A golden platter
Is still on,
Wake up . It’s the reason.