Poems by Somenath Roy

Poems by Somenath Roy

Translated by: Rupen Goswami


Liberate me from predominance
My youth and disenthrall your lust.
Diluting the spine, but whom!
Who gets you introduced to life!
May all these percolate into courage and love.

Where the trees yearn for sunlight;
Extend the sky there, invite the birds.
The ensued melody and the landscape
Would highlight your endeavour
Accompany you to the crematory
Even to the labour.

Faces of patch-worked wrapper

The gale on the beach
Absorb the whim of the waves
Ad-hoc workers for hundred days
Settling beside the pile of cobblestones-
Relate them with the Squeezed bottle
And the sanctifying grace of power.
The global horses in the pretence of equality
Omit nothing to stake, from religion to franchise
And keep chasing with bread and apparels.

All about these tidal-fuss
Overwrite fictions on both faces of patch-worked wrapper.


Descending tempestuously from the visual plane
All on a sudden you settle so close to my heart
Such courteous appeasement confuses me
Of the reality and delusion!

Nobody can make to a destination nowadays
The search for an entirety remains as incomplete whole
I never dreamt of landing on a desert
With a soul veritably seeded in a flooded soil.

Beholding to Terracotta ornament
Whoever thinks about its creator or his hearth
The quest engrossed me in thought.