Poem by Uday Shankar Durjay

Poem by Uday Shankar Durjay


Girl, you are so pretty, dream lady! I am not gonna say that, but you are a miraculously brilliant girl ever. Your style, attitude, belief, passion, thinking is so astonishing that make me insane. Your green eyes have deepest Ocean where I get sunk every time. Love your amazing, extravagant talent that makes me fly so high. You are the magnificent sunset! I am not gonna nominate you as a sun queen, but you are the real type of rejuvenation to my brain cells. A trillion tonnes vibration knock on my mountain head, drive me to your tropical home. I don’t, just don’t want to give up to cross the English Channel. Once I think you have glossy curly Gothic hair where a dream catcher butterfly translates the hidden desire. I wait and wait for another context, another texture, another tetchy of your fingers. You just be with the crazy toucher. I desire to be the knight in shining armour in your story. It’s so simple that you have a poetic heart, though you’ve never seen it. You’re mysterious, you’re evergreen, you’re the definition of never ending beauty. You’re my beautiful girl !