Poems by- Swapanjoy Chowdhury

Poems by- Swapanjoy Chowdhury

From Defeated Hiroshima

Some ospreys are flying away from defeated Hiroshima
The anthropological morning of history are warped with word.
They are flowing away from kinsman of Zoroaster to Bay of Bangel,
It turned around from Sindhu to Greece, Roman and Africa.
An unknown hidden sickness draw the striped shape in human body.
I remind the pleasure-boat to see the fishless shining sea.
The aristocracy has gone through from the womb of pleasure-boat.
A haven angle busy for having the head of aristocracy
And we are busy for counting dead body.
After finished to draw the tally of dead body one by one
I count myself and obliterate the evolution silently.
If someone alive, he and they will pluck flower from garden of haven
And collect green fish from torn history.

The Running Ship

Some muddy, salt and some soap materials
Are spotting on the abdomen of ship.
Petty traders collect information of Titanic
The Earth is sold out by fraud money.
The tree leaves are sold Oxygen by money.
Oh! My breath and breathless moment
Has made the net of sea-life
We locked the shutter of fish’s warehouse
And count the increasing body of Covid.
Cool light are spreading snow wind everywhere
And we are gone away from far too far.
We are dwelling under the destroyed ship
Our dream, economy and elegant dawn
Turned down the destroyed ship.

The Boishakh Has Come

Our Boishakh has come to wear the fine fragrant of wild flower,
It comes from soft cheek of little girl with tattooed of winnowing fan.
It comes from the small dram and playing whistle
Which makes trembling the horizon.
The Boishakh has come from our heart bit
With a joy of finding the losing face of kits.
We draw the yard of Masque and Temple with grassy color.
We start Mangal Shova and enjoy Chaitra Shangkranti
After having cake and wheat-meal.
Our Kids have known- “It’s my country,
It’s my tradition, and known to our brother and sister”.
Today we meet with shoulder and heart.
We are singing the song of love.
We were crying more and sacrifice the water of eyes.
Hundred lotus of dream are blooming on the coiffure of ladies and girls.